C Lasik
Blade Free Lasik Laser
Say Goodbye To Your Specs Forever ?
In C Lasik, no blade is used to cut tissues. A hinged corneal flip is made with the help of laser i.e., “Blade Free” Creation of flap. There is no cutting of tissues. They are separated by placement of the tiny bubbles in the tissues. During flap Creation the procedure can be stopped at any time and restarted at a different depth without affecting the results of surgery.
Every parameter of the flap can be adjusted so as to have the best possible customized flap for that eye. Advantage of “Blade Free” flap is that flap is very stable, well fitted and the complications encountered with the use of blade are not seen with intralase.
Over 17+ Million procedure done worldwide and people found this much more comfortable than any older classic spectacle removal surgery.

C Lasik is the only approved procedure for US Air Force and Naval Pilots
You are eligible for LASIK if...
You are above the age of 18 years. There is no upper limit for the procedure.
The Power of the spectacle is equal to more than +1.00D.
A Stable power of glasses that has not fluctuated by more than half a number during the previous year.

In normal eye, in order To see clearly, rays of the light pass through the cornea, pupil, and lens of the eye. A sharp and clear image is focused directly on the retina.

MYOPIA (Nearsighted ness)
In a nearsighted Person, the cornea is too steep, or the eye is too long, and the focal point is in front of the retina resulting in blurred distance vision.

HYPEROPIA (Farsightedness)
In a farsighted person the focus of the eye is behind the retina. People who are farsighted can have trouble seeing at distance and near.

Astigmatism occurs when the cornea is not Completely round but shaped more like an egg. Light that enters the eye focuses on more then one spot on the retina resulting in blurring of vision. Astigmatism can occur with nearsightedness or Farsightedness.

- Fast visual recovery.
- Minimal side effect
- Minimal or absence of pain
- Faster Healing
- Safest form of Refractive Surgery.